法國天然家居萬用 黑皂液 Multi-Purpose Black Liquid Soap 1000 ml
法國天然家居萬用- 黑皂液Multi-Purpose Black Liquid Soap 1000 ml
法國天然家居萬用黑皂液 - 天然清潔及消毒劑,橄欖油制造, 全無化學成份、清潔同時消滅細菌,
可用於家居、 花園及寵物清潔, 最適合家有兒童、竉物使用, 愛護家人必備產品!
- 法國 La Maison du Savon de Marseille 純天然安全的家居清潔皂液 1000ml
- 生態環保,不含磷,不含防腐劑,不含金屬化學物,不含色素。
- 黑皂皂液主要由橄欖油製成。是家庭理想的天然清潔和消毒劑,並同時保護環境。它能替代有侵略性的化學產品。
1/ 清潔任何東西: 瓷磚,陶瓷,甚至是大理石地面,廚房,廚具的油脂,銀器...等。
2. Lavender - 淡淡薰衣草香味、讓家居允滿普羅旺斯熏衣草的陣陣香味。
French Multi-Purpose Black Liquid Soap 1000 ml
La Maison du Savon de Marseille created a black traditional household soap respectful of nature : solvent-free, raw material resulting from the petrochemical and preservative free.
This true liquid soap baked cauldron is made exclusively from fruit of olive tree raw materials.
Excellent multi-purpose cleaning product that replaces all of the most powerful chemicals on the market.
Our household soap become essential to clean and sanitize your home while preserving the environment.
Surface Maintenance: The maintenance of surfaces, tiles, ceramic, linoleum, marble. The kitchen cabinet plate, oven, worktop, Stove, Dishwasher
In garden centers: It protects your plants from attacks by aphids, red spiders ... It also allows you to clean your DIY tools, paintbrushes and brushes. It is also effective for making your vehicle, your plancha or your bbq shine.
Pets: Cleans and shines the hair (dogs, cats, horses ...)
Two scents for your choice:
2. Lavender
** Made in France