九本草 水光氣墊粉 15g + 補充裝15g (refill) Guboncho Premium Gold Jelly Cover CC Cushion SPF50+ PA+++
韓國九本草 水光氣墊粉 15g + 補充裝15g (refill) Guboncho Premium Gold Jelly Cover CC Cushion SPF50+ PA+++
九本草CC氣墊粉, 自然遮瑕效果, 展現亮白、光彩肌膚, 同時兼具防曬和彩妝, 提亮本來的膚色, 幫助打造亮白、勻淨肌膚。
完美無暇的肌膚表現, 內外完美的CC氣墊霜
含有豐富的水分的玻尿酸以及增加免疫力的野山參、紅參、人參等, 為肌膚注入活力, 看到自身膚色變化的顏色膠囊,可完美遮蓋皮膚瑕疵。
含有百合、玉蘭花、山茶花等多種花卉提取物,重現透明膚色的定妝效果, 可自然修飾膚色。可使暗沉膚色重現光彩, 亮白、潤澤。 打造健康肌膚。
輕薄使用感與粉餅功能, 可在補妝時經常重複塗抹, 不粘膩也可打造光滑柔嫩肌膚。
- 人參 - 抗氧化,改善皺紋,增強肌膚免疫力
- 腺苷 - 緩解皺紋,防止老化,抗炎,保濕,抑制活性氧
- 煙醯胺 - 美白功能性成分,防止色素沉積,抗炎,抗氧化,彈力
- 按自己皮膚需要, 取出適量均勻塗抹於面部
- 在彩妝隔離或者粉底霜階段時使用。
Expiry: 2026 Apr
Guboncho Premium Gold Jelly Cover CC Cushion SPF50+ PA+++ (15g + 15g Refill)
Guboncho Jelly Cover CC pact is a facial moisturizing cushion which helps to express a natural skin texture. With effects including protect your skin from UV rays and makeup, radiance cushion makes your skin clean, brilliant and glowing.
This portable CC Cushion can be used in multiple ways:
- To set the makeup or as a touch-up, gives your skin flawlessly radiant with long lasting coverage and hydration.
- Can be removed by normal cleanser without causing inconvenience.
- Ginseng – Anti-oxidant, improve wrinkles, enhance immunity
- Adenosine – Anti-wrinkles, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, moisturize, reduce reactive oxygen species
- Nicotinamide – Anti-inflammatory
Swipe the puff across the skin to spread the product, then gently tab over the face to blend.
Can be used in multiple ways: As foundation, to set the makeup or as a touch-up.
Volume: 15g x 2 (with 1 refill)
Made in Korea