九本草 黑松露水光黑面膜 Guboncho Water Brightening Black Mask 27g x 10ea + 送 O2 Bubble Cleanser 1.5ml + Aqua Cream 1.5ml
韓國九本草 黑松露水光黑面膜 Guboncho Water Brightening Black Mask 27g x 10ea + O2 Bubble Cleanser 1.5ml + Aqua Cream 1.5ml
九本草 黑松露水光黑面膜 來自法國純淨大自然的松露, 含有豐富的抗氧化酶SOD(Super Oxide Dismutase), 有助於皮膚再生、美白、抗皺、 保濕、補充營養, 集洗臉 敷臉 護膚三步於一體.
** 每片面膜附有 ”氧氣泡沫洗面乳 O2 Bubble Cleanser” 及 “韓方補水面霜 Aqua Cream” 試用小包, 對出外旅遊更為方便
第一步: O2 Bubble Cleanser 氧氣泡沫洗面乳
第二步: Water Brightening Black Mask 水光黑色面膜
世界三大美味佳餚之一, 從法國純淨大自然中獲得的珍貴蘑菇(松露), 其稀有價值極高, 也被稱為"地下黑鑽石"。 含有豐富的抗氧化酶, 維他命, 氨基酸, 礦物質, 視黄醇等大量的抗氧化成份, 有助於皮膚天然的自生能力、美白、抗皺、保濕、補充營養。美白及祛皺集中護理!
第三步: Aqua Cream 保濕水珠面霜
水滴清爽的特別水分劑型的韓方保濕面霜, 純植物配方, 添加人參萃取精華輕輕揉搓有粒粒水珠呈現, 早晚均可使用. 水滴瞬間爆破帶來清爽水潤質感,絲毫不黏膩的清爽水分被肌膚吸收, 並採用防止水分蒸發的方式, 使肌膚水油平衡, 長效保持肌膚活力。
- 樹莓 Rasberry - 保濕,抗氧化,防止老化,營養,維他命
- 黑松露 - 抗氧化、激活細胞能量,提高肌膚免疫力
- 小麥屬植物提取物 - 抗氧化, 有助於保護皮膚免受自由基侵害
- 使用九本草氧氣泡沫潔面乳潔面後,先用爽膚水調理肌膚紋理。
- 取出面膜展開,按照面部形狀緊密貼敷面膜。
- 等待大約20分鐘,取下面膜。
- 取下面膜貼後,將留在面上的精華輕輕按摩塗勻全面,幫助其吸收。
- 最後階段取適量九本草保濕面霜均勻塗抹於肌膚。建議每天早晚兩次沾取適量 植物煥顏保濕霜Aqua Cream , 均勻地輕拍於潔淨乾爽的全臉、頸部,即可感受面霜對肌膚的滋養和舒緩。
** 韓國制造
Expiry: 2027 Feb
Guboncho Water Brightening Black Mask 10片(27g x 10ea)
Water Brightening Black Mask, infused with truffle, the world’s most precious and expensive food that originally come from France. The intensive moisture truffle mask helps supply multi nutrition to the skin, leaving skin clear, smooth and radiant. Wrinkles become less visible.
Hydrolyzed Hyaluronic Acid - It is a well-known humectant,1g can absorb 1000ml of moisture, which delivers an obvious moisturizing effect. It is not just superior in moisturizing, but also help prevent wrinkles from aging. Past damage recedes as existing cells are rejuvenated.
Glycerin - Maintain moisture balance, enhance skin’s penetration and moisturizing ability. It creates a skin protective barrier to avoid harmful substance.
Propylene Glycol - Its humectant helps a better penetration to skin, which effectively enables your skin to retain its own moisture.
Vitamin E Acetate - A natural skin-conditioning agent and antioxidant. Help prevent moisture loss and harmful substance towards the skin. An obvious effect is revealed if it combines with Vitamin C, such as balancing skin’s pH level.
Cocamidopropyl Betaine - The surfactant obtained from Coconut Oil has no irritation to skin and has a certain bactericidal effect and antistatic effect
Step 1. O2 Cleansing Foam.
Step 2. After cleansing, apply the Water Brightening Black Mask on the face for 15-20 minutes.
Step 3. Remove the mask, gently massage the remaining essence into the skin until fully absorbed.
** Made in Korea