
九本草 童顏美白面膜 Guboncho Baby Face Healing Mask 25g x 5ea

商舖 UCanShops
原價 $38.80
原價 $38.80 - 原價 $38.80
原價 $38.80
時價 $34.90
$34.90 - $34.90
時價 $34.90

GUBONCHO 九本草” 品牌介紹

韓國著名品牌創立於2002起源品牌UGB(UGBang)後正名UGB Dong An現命名GUBONCHO 九本草意思是把人蔘的功效無限地放大品主要成份為人蔘、山蔘和紅蔘等名的韓方藥材加上珍貴韓方原料天然並堅守以傳統的發酵技術並進行嚴格的品質監控製造出高級的韓方保養品及化妝品 能被皮膚快速吸收具有天然美白保濕與抗老化功效。人蔘有助血液循環促進肌膚新陳代謝節奏時刻保持緊緻、潤澤及幼嫩


九本草 童顏美白面膜  Guboncho Baby Face Healing Mask 25g x 5ea 
含有鎮靜肌膚和保濕效果的發酵提取物, 有美白功能的原料 - 菸酸酰胺。由天絲棉製成的面膜紙,貼合力極強,能提高肌膚的吸收能力, 深層補水, 美白皮膚, 輕柔超薄, 低刺激!



天絲面膜紙與普通無紡布面膜紙相比, 是擁有出色保濕能力和優秀貼服力的面膜紙。 緊貼肌膚, 為肌膚補充營養與水分天絲是天然棉與精華液最理想的面膜載體,受體溫影響,水分子充分膨脹,養分更容易導達肌膚深層,因天絲擁有一種獨特的原纖結構(纖維的最小單位) ,因此對於吸收效果非常好, 對於皮膚吸收養分及服貼度有非常顯著的效果。


天絲面膜紙和精華素的協同效果, 能有效防止水分蒸發, 有助肌膚吸收精華


消炎、鎮定的作用。 能刺激深層皮膚細胞更替。 積雪草可以緊致表皮與真皮連接部分,能使皮膚變柔軟,有助於解決皮膚鬆弛現象,令皮膚光滑有彈性;促進真皮層中膠原蛋白形成,使纖維蛋白再生,重新連接起來,使肌膚達到緊致光滑的效果。可以給肌膚提供豐富營養及很好的保濕效果。


  • 透明質酸 能維持皮膚的濕度與滋潤。具長效的保濕功能,幫助鎖住水分,賦予肌膚光滑柔潤感
  • 珍珠提取物 美白有助於提亮膚色。增加皮膚深層細胞營養,使肌膚保持青春,健康,自然美白。能激活細胞,使老化,粗糙的皮膚得到修復,達到使肌膚柔細潤滑,白裡透紅的效果,從而煥發春活力
  •  積雪草提取物 消炎、鎮定的作用。促進皮層中膠原蛋白再生


  1. 潔面後,先用爽膚水調理肌膚紋理。
  2. 取出面膜展開,按照面部形狀緊密貼敷面膜
  3. 10-20分鐘後,將面膜貼取下。
  4. 取下面膜貼後,將留在面上的精華輕輕按摩塗勻全面,幫助其吸收。

*** 韓國制造

Expiry: 2026 Dec

GUBONCHO 九本草” Brand Story

GUBONCHO 九本草 , the new renamed brand of UGB(UGBang) /  UGB Dong An a well-known skincare & cosmetic brand established in Korea since 2002. It uses valuable Ginseng, Wild Ginseng and Red Ginseng as main ingredients to produce its product, and execute with a professional quality monitoring.

Guboncho Baby Face Healing Mask 25g x 5ea

Restore your skin to a more youthful radiance with this new Baby Face Healing Mask, infused with ferment extracts that help soothe, hydrate skin. The hypoallergenic mask helps skin fully absorb the essence from such close-fitting quality, prevent water evaporation and let the essence fully absorb to skin.  The incredibly smooth texture can perfectly fit with all face shape and rejuvenate your skin to look like babies.


Betaine - A hypoallergenic humectant formulated with natural extracts such as Lycium, Beet and Sugarcane etc. It can promote moisture to skin in order to enhance skin’s moisturizing ability, to prevent skin dryness through balancing skin’s pH level.

Nicotinamide - Help enhance the content of Collagen elements.  It contains derivative of B5, Anti-oxidant and Cell Activity. The above elements are good for whitening.

Licorice - The main components taken from the extract of the herbal plant, Oak and Wheat seedling.  It helps maintain Cell Activity, accelerate cell restoration.

Bamboo extract - It contains an abundance of Antioxidant components, Vitamin C and Mineral substance for soothing skin dryness and supply moisture to the skin. Cocoon extract - Help protect high protein concentrate of Cocoonto promote skin’s restoration, to strengthen skin’s protective barrier, to nourish and smoothen skin.

Lactic Acid Bacteria/ Pear Juice ferment filtrate - It contains lots of Amino Acid, Vitamin and Organacidia, which help supply moisture to skin and improve wrinkles.

Pomegranate ferment extract - Pomegranate contains an abundance of Vitamin C, B1 and B2, can help promote skin’s restoration, prevent causing freckles and Marlar Rash and supply moisture to the skin. Pomegranate also has AHA element that helps remove dead skin, can soften and smoothen skin.

Soybean ferment extract - The Mucus from Soybean ferment extract can help balance skin’s pH levelprovide abundant of nutrition and moisture to the skin.

Barley Seed Ferment extract - It contains an abundance of Vitamin B2, Vitamin E, Phenol, Selenium and Dietary Fiber, which provides a superior moisture effect.


After cleansing & toning, attach the mask on the face for 15-20 minutes.  Remove the mask, gently massage the remaining essence into the skin until fully absorbed.

Volume: 25g x 5 sheets

Made in Korea 


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